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Bath Salts Add Spice To Your Life

Many years ago when I was in my late teens I was a ballerina with the Louisville Ballet Company. Actually, this sounds a little like the beginning of a fairytale, doesn’t it?  As unbelievable as it may sound, it is a very real part of my past. While dancing was my passion at that time, muscle pain and distress was a reality all of the time. I vividly remember that whenever I complained, my grandmothers would sing the praises of good old “Epsom Salts.” Being a stubborn know-it-all teenager, I never gave it much merit.  Shame on me! Turns out grandmothers knew best, and after all of these years I now realize its true health benefits and value.

Epsom Salts are actually magnesium sulfate.   Most of us are lacking in the mineral magnesium. This deficiency of magnesium can play a role in many different health conditions such as depression, asthma, joint pain, and diabetes. In fact, magnesium acts as a cofactor for around 300 enzymes in our body. Come to find out, the sulfate part of Epsom salts promotes detoxification of the liver. When it is placed in hot water, it processes the chemical serotonin. Serotonin, also known as the “happy hormone” makes us feel instantly calm and relaxed. Within as little as twenty to forty minutes of soaking in Epsom salts both the magnesium and the sulfate are fully absorbed into our bodies.

I can’t think of a simpler way to add a little spice to your life. Just draw a warm bath, add your favorite Epsom salts soak and sit back.  Now enjoy your time!


Meet Lisa

Lisa began making soaps using the cold process method to fulfill a personal challenge. The tempting pictures, creations, and recipes others display on the
web as well as in various retail outlets intrigued her, and it wasn’t long before her hobby turned to passionate obsession. Lisa simply loves to challenge
herself with different recipes and creative techniques, which are the foundations for our handcrafted soaps and such.
