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How to Take the Ultimate Relaxing Bath

Did you know that there is a National Bubble Bath Day? Yes there is, and it’s celebrated on January 8th. What a great idea to have one day dedicated to a relaxing bath! Why wait until just one special day of the year? How about making any day and time a special time for an ultimate relaxing bath?  If you agree then here’s some important tips for making the ultimate bath, well…ultimate!

  1. First, it’s absolutely essential to schedule your relaxation bath when you know you will not be interrupted. If you can’t have the house to yourself, then at least make sure that everyone knows that this is your time. NO interruptions!
  2. Make your bathroom your spa. This may include candles (scented or not), soft music, bath salts or oils: lavender, cedar wood and rose offer great relaxation benefits. Include things that appeal to your senses.
  3. Make sure that your water temperature is just right! Just right for relaxation is a warm Water that is too hot could make you dizzy, not to mention uncomfortable, and it’s super drying to your skin.
  4. Some people may suggest snacks, but I prefer a nice glass of wine. It’s your special time, so it’s up to you. Just make sure you place whatever it is within easy reach of you.
  5. Make sure you have a soft fluffy towel and bathrobe close by for when your time is over, but in the meantime get in the warm water, lay your head back, listen to the music, and breathe in the relaxing scent. Let your mind wander and enjoy!

Remember, this is your well-deserved treat, and it’s not just for special occasions or national holidays. Ultimate relaxation baths are for any time you need to relax! So go on indulge yourself because you deserve it!


Meet Lisa

Lisa began making soaps using the cold process method to fulfill a personal challenge. The tempting pictures, creations, and recipes others display on the
web as well as in various retail outlets intrigued her, and it wasn’t long before her hobby turned to passionate obsession. Lisa simply loves to challenge
herself with different recipes and creative techniques, which are the foundations for our handcrafted soaps and such.
